FSATOOL (short for “Fast Sampling and Analysis Tool”) is a molecular dynamics simulation and trajectory data analysis program. It is developed by Chen, Changjun’s group in Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
FSATOOL reference manual is on the web page.
Execute the command "mpirun -n nproc fsatool modname taskname -i inputfile"
"nproc" is the number of processes in the calculation.
"modname" specifies the module to run.
"taskname"(optional) gives the task name in each module.
"inputfile"(optional) is a user-defined input parameter file.
All the available modname, taskname and default input files are listed as follows:
modname=sim, inputfile=sim.in
modname=msm, inputfile=msm.in
taskname=cluster inputfile=cluster.in
taskname=lumping inputfile=lumping.in
taskname=tpt inputfile=tpt.in
taskname=check inputfile=check.in
taskname=tram inputfile=tram.in
taskname=picksnap inputfile=picksnap.in
modname=analysis, taskname=wham, inputfile=wham.in
taskname=gmm, inputfile=gmm.in
taskname=freehis, inputfile=freehis.in
taskname=contactmap, inputfile=contactmap.in
taskname=phi, inputfile=phi.in
taskname=anm, inputfile=anm.in
taskname=cv, inputfile=cv.in
taskname=reducedim, inputfile=reducedim.in
taskname=deep, inputfile=deep.in
modname=normalmode, taskname=anm inputfile=anm.in
taskname=qha inputfile=qha.in
taskname=nma inputfile=nma.in
modname=surfpb, inputfile=surfpb.in
[1] Haomiao Zhang, Qiankun Gong, Haozhe Zhang, and Changjun Chen
FSATOOL: A useful tool to do the conformational sampling and trajectory analysis work for biomolecules.
J. Comput. Chem. 2020, 41, 156-164
[2] Zirui Shu, Mincong Wu, Jun Liao and Changjun Chen
FSATOOL 2.0: An integrated molecular dynamics simulation and trajectory data analysis program.
J. Comput. Chem. 2022. 43: 215-224
[3] Mincong Wu, Jun Liao, Zirui Shu and Changjun Chen
Enhanced sampling in explicit solvent by deep learning module in FSATOOL.
J. Comput. Chem., 2023. 44: 1845-1856.
[4] Jun Liao, Zirui Shu, Junyong Gao, Mincong Wu and Changjun Chen
SurfPB: A GPU-accelerated electrostatic calculation and visualization tool for biomolecules.
J. Chem. Inf. Model, 2023. 63: 4490-4496.
[5] Junyong Gao, Mincong Wu, Jun Liao, Fanjun Meng, Changjun Chen
Clustering one million molecular structures on GPU within seconds.
J. Comput. Chem. 2024, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jcc.27470
We gratefully acknowledge the support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).
If you have any question, please contact Chen, Changjun